How to check off the hardest project EVER

Do you see anything on your to-do list that seems impossible to complete? 
Has it been there seemingly forever?
Do you balk at getting started on it, even if your intentions are great?

You’re not alone. I can relate.

Most of my friends know that I used to host my own talk show called “absoluteLEIGHtv” back in 2011. It was a project from the heart with a studio audience, a team of producers, a crew of five, and various special guests each week. It was filmed live and there were no second takes.

And BOY was it a lot of work. But it sure was fun!

After one season, the TV studio failed to cover their own bills and decided to close, so that left me to do a modified version of my show, which I did for a year. After the second season, I added a line to my to-do list: Host another show.

In 2012, it was still there: Host another show.

In 2013, still there: Host another show.

In 2014: Host another show.

And there it sat, in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019...I couldn’t get it done.

Then the pandemic happened. 

And I finally got it done

Nine years later. 

(I have since put it on the back burner again, but this time, I’m doing it as an active choice because of other priorities. And I’m okay with that!)

So what took so long? My energy was blocked. I had spent so much time and heart and effort into my first two seasons that by the time it came for season 3, I didn’t have the momentum anymore to do it. 

I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted.

I hadn’t started with realistic expectations.

And while I had put in a lot of effort, it wasn’t the effort required to get the results I want.

What’s the takeaway here? Give up on your dreams?

Yes. Stop dreaming so big.

Kidding. Of course not! The takeaway is that impossible-to-complete projects are only impossible if you maintain the same perspective on them. For me, it took having a pandemic to really break my expectations and turn them into reality.

More importantly, I evaluated what worked and created a free series that reflects exactly how I did that: It will help you break down big and complicated projects so that you can also take bite-sized steps toward your success. If you do it, let me know how it goes!


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