Have courage

I LOOOOOVE a good TikTok.


First of all, um, how eye opening that the joke here is that her male colleagues are emotionless and know-it-alls. Hahaha. I kind of love it. How stupid men are that they just declare it as if they know for sure. Well, fuck it, JUST DECLARE IT LIKE THEM! And hide those emotions.

What made me write about this video, though, was the ending with the shake. It’s a good punchline for sure!! And also, it underlines how nervous she was!! It felt terrifying to write an email the way that others have been writing theirs. I can imagine her inner dialogue. 

How are they going to receive it? 

Did I do the right thing? 

Am I going to get in trouble?

To me, this sounds exactly like Gremlin talk. The Gremlin inside of her is scaring her and aiming to convince her that she’s not good enough. “You’re probably going to fail,” it says.

And yet, she sent it anyway. She took the bold step of giving that email a try.


Was she wrong for sending that email with that tone? Of course not! In fact, she’ll get feedback from that email, whether it’s negative feedback (I doubt it) or silence. Either way, she’ll have learned something new and will have data to file into her head that will inform future decisions.

Sound familiar? It may not, but let me tell you, it sounds very familiar to me. Why? Many of my clients go through a similar process, just with a different part of their lives. They are fearful about a new and/or unknown activity or event and either procrastinate or do not take action. When that happens, I encourage them to look at it and decide whether it’s worth the fear to keep delaying. When the answer is no, as it often is, we then talk about the natural next step: have courage. 

It takes courage to venture into the unknown. It takes courage to move into something you know will be painful. It takes courage to face a known enemy that you are sick of hiding from. And, more often than not, it’s worth it. No matter what, you’ll have better insight as a result of your courage.

I encourage you to be brave and face what you’re afraid to face. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said: 

“Courage is more exhilarating than fear and in the long run it is easier. We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down.”

In order for you to live your best life, you’ll need to overcome each obstacle that gets in the way. Some of it might be uncomfortable. Some of it might be deep-seeded. Some of it might just be ready to vanish. You won’t know until you try.

Please remember--I’m more than happy to support you where you can’t support yourself. Just let me know.


How to overcome irrational fears


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