What level of energy are you?

I'm going to share with you today some high level life coaching principles that are only taught at my training program, iPEC. You don't have to understand this in order to get benefits from working with me, but it can only benefit to better understand these concepts. It will allow you to have a visualization of what the path of self-mastery can look like. 

The concepts below are based on the Energy Leadership Perception Chart that was created by Bruce D. Schneider, founder of iPEC. I believe he would consider this his life's work and, I must say, I am highly impressed with this framework of understanding life and the human experience.

First of all, here’s the ELP Chart. Take a look, but don’t get too caught up.

As you can see in this chart, there are seven levels of energy in which anyone resonates, with 1 being the lowest level and 7 being the highest level. Although I believe that most people would prefer to resonate at a higher level, this is not to say that there's something wrong with being at a lower level. In fact, we may choose to actively go to a lower level for the sake of the situation or scenario that presents itself. I would offer to refrain from judgment on what level you or someone else is resonating at. Instead, what's more productive is to understand what that level is at any moment.

While at first glance, it may seem overwhelming, with practice and understanding, this can become an intuitive experience and a way to approach each moment in life. Let’s begin exploring this step-by-step.

Firstly, understand that there are two types of energy: catabolic and anabolic. Catabolic energy is best understood as negative energy. It is draining and brings you down. Conversely, anabolic energy is positive energy. It raises your vibration and helps move things forward in life. Personally, I aim to have and exude as much anabolic energy as possible. Naturally, that can't always be the case and, when I'm not in that place, my desire is to at least be fully aware. That way, if I’m resonating at a level I don’t relate to,  can hopefully choose to abandon it.

Secondly, notice the three concentric rings. The center ring is about the Self. This is about the realm of existing, whether you're aware of it or not, and leads to catabolic energy. The next ring is where anabolic energy begins and the ring of Self-Mastery. You’re truly living in a place of choice that allows you to vibrate on a better frequency, thereby getting you more of the results you want. Finally, the outer ring is Self-Transcendence. When you resonate at these levels, you're thinking more than about just who you are as an individual and instead thinking about the bigger picture, whether that's all of humanity, all of the animal kingdom, or maybe it’s a highly spiritual place for you. Anyone in this ring is vibrating at a very high frequency.

Finally, let me give you a breakdown of each of the levels. Having even a basic understanding will start to open your eyes in ways you can’t imagine.

Let's start with level 1 energy. This is the level of victimhood. These are people who suffer needlessly, do not believe in themselves, and can fall into depression. There's a little movement when you're in level one and it feels awful, assuming you're feeling anything at all. As you can imagine, level 1 energy is the lowest and most unconscious place you can be.

Level 2 energy is still a negative energy, but at least it's a step up. This is the level of anger. When people are resonating at level 2, they're angry, they're pissed, and they're defiant. They want others to suffer and they're not afraid to let them know that. Level 2 energy is not something you want to be around because they're just looking to take away your power.

From Level 3 upward, these energies begin all of the positive energies. For those resonating a level 3, you'll see that they are inward focused and taking care of themselves. This is the level of responsibility. They understand that they are responsible for their actions and they're making the effort to take care of themselves in that way. People who are defending themselves will find themselves in level three for a while until they are certain about who they are.

Level 4 is the level of compassion. I like to think of this as the nurse level. These are the people who are fully selfless and solely looking to assist other people. They're the helpers and they care most and feel most satisfaction when others are successful or healed. They give, give, give give, but hardly ever take. Most helping professionals fall into this level.

Level 5 is the level of win-win. Think of it as combining the best of level 3 and level 4. You're not just looking at yourself, nor are you just looking at others. This is the stage where you're looking at both yourself and other simultaneously as a form of reconciliation. A lot of high-achieving people resonate at this level.

Starting with level 6, there's a huge drop and the number of people resonating here because it can be difficult to remain in levels this high. Level 6 is the level of intuition. These are visionaries who see the world as one big experience. They recognize opportunity abounds everywhere and see the world for what it is: full of stories mirrors and mirages, and an understanding that there are certain laws and principles that are true.

Finally, at level 7, we're at the level of creation. People here can channel genius thinking and brilliant ideas. They are so high-minded that they don't consider the notion of needing a reward or a response to their creation. Truly, people are unable to resonate here all the time. Just being a human being will pull you down to a lower level. This is a place to visit but not to stay.

So there you are--a little summary of each of the 7 levels of energy. Now that you have an understanding, know this: You're not just one energy level; you're always a combination of all of them. The "game” is to only be present at whatever energy level in which you’re resonating at any given time. Having awareness allows for choice, and that is the goal of coaching.

I know this is a lot to comprehend, so here’s a little summary of each level in a fun and more understandable way:

  1. I lose.

  2. You lose.

  3. I win.

  4. You in.

  5. We win.

  6. Everyone wins.

  7. There is no such thing as winning or losing. 

Kinda neat, right?

I hope you enjoyed this! If you're interested in taking the Energy Leadership Index, which is an assessment that allows you to see each of your energy levels and what your average resonating level of energy is, also known as your ARL, feel free to schedule an appointment with me to take it and get a personalized debrief from me afterward. I find this experience to be one of the most enlightening and powerful experiences that I offer.

Ready to understand how you resonate?


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