Change your thoughts, change your life

“You are what you eat.”

I haven’t heard this phrase in a while, but knowing what I know now as an adult, I can see that this is quite literalleigh true. You truly are the outcome of what you put into your body, which then “magically” breaks the food down and transforms it to become part of who you physically are. It’s quite remarkable.

This is also true in life:

You become what you believe.

Our beliefs are what drive us, feed us, and sustain us (or not). If you hold beliefs that are not conducive to the world around you, then you will suffer. And you might suffer in ways you didn’t expect.

Most of our beliefs are in our subconscious, formed when we were too young to understand what we were beholding. And yet, many of them functioned. They made a difference as a youngin’ and we never questioned them as we got older. We just rotely followed these beliefs because, hey, they served us well thus far in life. Why change them now?

As long as you or others are not suffering, then indeed, there may be little reason to change them. 

But if you’re like most people, there are likely things that served you as a child that just don’t have a place in your current life. You may find yourself stuck, unhappy, or just not feeling right about something you can’t put your finger on. It is those things that are worth looking into to see what might be lying underneath.

What are some examples of unhelpful beliefs?

I’m going to go over three common beliefs. These are just a sampling. There are certainly many, many, MANY more than what I’m discussing here, and I’m happy to dive in with you on these or others, if you’re curious. 

If I don't fight for myself, I don't get what I want.

As a youngster, you may have had older siblings who were more powerful than you, both in mind power and physical strength. (🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️) As a result, you have learned that the only way you can get what you want is to fight. Supporting this belief was your parents’ insistence that this is just how kids are, so they let it be. Naturally, this became self-fulfilling behavior.

As an adult, though, you may therefore find that you are needlessly aggressive in situations where this doesn’t serve you. You may unwittingly fight in areas it is not necessary to fight in. Or you may defend yourself in a situation where you weren’t being attacked, simply from habit. 

I spend a lot of time worrying.

When I have clients that share with me that they are worry warts, it is always, and I mean always, a habit they picked up from their family system. There is a belief system internally that pertains to the benefits of worrying. Whether it’s protecting their siblings because they’re the oldest, or simply witnessing their parent be a constant worrier, it’s something that was copied, not chosen.

Now, there is a benefit to all of this worrying. It fosters the ability to be a good detector! People who are very thorough are also people who have the ability (curse) of “the worry”. It’s just that most do not appreciate the effects of “the worry” into their adulthood. It expends a lot of energy to be as attentive to things as they are!

It is better to give than to receive.

For some, there is a moral side to this belief. To them, the purpose of life is to be of service to others. And if that fills them, more power to them! It’s not that this belief, in and of itself, is a problem.

The issue that arises is when you’re giving at the expense of yourself. In this circumstance, you’re not valuing yourself as equal to the person next to you. The difference here is holding a judgment on what is better versus seeing things as they are. This certainly is higher level thinking and most people do not resonate at that level often.

I want to dive deeper into my own beliefs.

Are you intrigued by these ideas and want to learn more? The most powerful way to learn what beliefs may be holding you back is to take the Energy Leadership Index assessment. As an Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, I will provide you a personalized debrief that will break down your various beliefs so that you can grasp fully where you are today. If you want to work on a customized plan on how to move forward, I can assist with that as well.

My clients that have taken the ELI rave about the experience of understanding their core being better. The benefits are palpable, including more energy, more passion, and more results. It will truly reshape your attitudes and worldview, and transform who you are. And, as we say, change your thoughts so you can change your life.


I almost didn’t write this blog today.


The 20-5-3 Rule