Beliefs that limit you

We’re at the final internal energy block.

You’ve learned about the gremlin.
You’ve learned about assumptions.
You’ve learned about interpretations.

Now let’s discuss limiting beliefs.

The idea here is simple: you may have been taught or led to believe that an idea about a group is true, especially a group you’re a part of. 

For me, this was made transparent to me from a previous roommate of mine. We were both gay and raised in conservative, macho Texas. Masculinity is not only praised but expected from males. I can now recognize that I internalized this behavior as a form of protection for myself. If I were to maintain a certain level of masculinity, I could “pass” as straight and, therefore, would not be bothered or judged.

After college, we found ourselves as roommates in New York City. I remember one day that he had bought a pair of high heels for his upcoming Halloween costume. They were an impressive set of 5-inch, silver, glittery stilettos that lifted him into the gods! In preparation of the costume, he was wearing his heels around the house while cleaning and doing dishes. I mean, great tactic, right??

From my room, I distinctly remember looking over at him and feeling grossed out. I was belittling him in my head and reacting with an instinctual disgust. 

A boy wearing heels? Eww. That is not okay.

…and then I heard myself. 

Oh my god.

I had judged him in a snap moment without even realizing it. My background was so ingrained in me that I didn’t catch my judgement before it arose.

I held the limiting belief that gay guys shouldn’t wear heels.

WTF! WOW! It really took me by surprise. Both that I was feeling this way and that I wasn’t aware about it.

What limiting beliefs do you hold about yourself?

Do you think that women shouldn’t be equal to men in certain areas?

Do you believe that because of your race, there is something you’re not destined to become?

Do you hold yourself in contempt for daring to be an outspoken Gen Z-er?

If you catch yourself with a limiting belief, it is your job to ask yourself how true that belief is. Can you really hold this belief and stay true to your values? This question is worth pondering.

And I own 2 pair of heels now.


I don’t want to forgive her!


The wrong interpretation